
Help create change at Duncaster.

At Duncaster, the personal interests, beliefs and causes of residents are recognized and respected. We encourage and support the involvement of everyone in shaping our culture and making a difference within our community.

There are many opportunities to volunteer, both on campus and within the greater Hartford area. Residents have recently participated in the Save Our Schools for Our Kids Foundation’s back-to-school backpack drive and the West Hartford Bear Fair to benefit the non-profit For All Ages. Every holiday season residents and staff come together to “Stuff a Sleigh” and donate toys to area children. Throughout the year, many of our residents are also actively involved on a regular basis with Foodshare and Meals on Wheels.

If you have an interest in shaping the vision and direction of the Duncaster community, you are more than welcome to join any of over 30 committees. Run by residents with support from the staff and leadership, these committees take an active role in determining how life at Duncaster can be enhanced.

Devote your time to what you believe in and work to create the change you would like to see in the world. Many residents at Duncaster consistently work to bring awareness to the causes close to their heart. We’re committed to providing an environment that allows for every voice to be heard and valued.

Take a personal tour and learn more about how you can make a difference when you live at Duncaster. To schedule, call 860-380-5021.

Schedule a Personal Tour
Get to know us better when you visit us in-person,
take a golf cart tour or meet with us via ZOOM.

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The Realities and Myths of Long-term Care Insurance

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General Information:
(860) 726-2000

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
General Information:
(860) 726-2400

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
(860) 726-2405

Hartford Healthcare
Clinic at Duncaster
(860) 380-5150

Human Resources
and Job Applicants:
(860) 380-5004

Sales & Marketing:
(860) 380-5021

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