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Simply make your fully refundable $1,000 deposit along with a signed agreement and you will start receiving exclusive benefits!

To ensure your spot in our new expansion and receive Charter Member perks, please make a deposit using the form below.

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Deposit Amount(Required)
Select an amount for your down payment


Resident-to-be information(Required)

To learn more about the exclusive benefits of Charter Membership in Duncaster’s new independent living expansion, attend one of our in-person events.

General Information:
(860) 726-2000

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
General Information:
(860) 726-2400

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
(860) 726-2405

Hartford Healthcare
Clinic at Duncaster
(860) 380-5150

Human Resources
and Job Applicants:
(860) 380-5004

Sales & Marketing:
(860) 380-5021

February 20, 2025

Dear Friends of Duncaster:

As it pertains to the appeal, the judge presented as scheduled on Friday, February 14. A hearing date has now been set for Wednesday, April 23, 2025. More details to follow, after that time. Thank you!

Kelly Papa
President & CEO


September 10, 2024
Dear friends of Duncaster:
Mediation for the Appeal that was filed on our Expansion Plans, to which was served on July 19, 2024, has been scheduled for September 24, 2024. We will have more information to share with you after that Mediation date, just as soon as we are able. Thank you for your understanding and continued trust in Duncaster.”
- Duncaster Senior Leadership


July 24, 2024

Dear friends of Duncaster:


In spite of our project’s recent approval from the Bloomfield Town Planning & Zoning Commission – an approval based on the merits of the project, our diligence and transparency in presenting it and the hard work and advocacy of our staff, team, Board and Residents – a small group of nearby neighbors has now filed an appeal to the commission’s June 27th vote. We believe this appeal to be without merit, and our team is working diligently to limit any delay it may cause. However, it does alter the timeline we had been hoping, and I wanted to inform you of those changes.

As more information becomes available regarding this appeal, Duncaster will keep the community informed of new developments in real-time.



Kelly Papa

President & CEO