Stay independent with personalized attention.

Assisted Living at Duncaster is licensed and offers a registered nurse on duty 24 hours a day. Assisted Living residents receive personalized attention with their daily activities, including dressing, personal hygiene, assistance with medication and personal care. They keep active with access to wellness and recreational activities, dining and transportation.

LifeCare residents have the comfort of knowing that assisted living is easily assessable should they need it.

For more information, call 860.380.5006 or click here.

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Duncaster Live Magazine Spring 2023
Duncaster Live Magazine Spring 2023

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General Information:
(860) 726-2000

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
General Information:
(860) 726-2400

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
(860) 726-2405

Hartford Healthcare
Clinic at Duncaster
(860) 380-5150

Human Resources
and Job Applicants:
(860) 380-5004

Sales & Marketing:
(860) 380-5021

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