Duncaster Life

Less must-do. More want-to. | July 2022

It’s time “fore” our Annual Golf Tournament!

Bring three active friends and get in the swing at Duncaster’s 14th Annual Charitable Golf Tournament! An enjoyable day of golf and camaraderie await as you participate in a longstanding tradition among the residents, staff, and many friends of Duncaster. Your involvement will not only help support the delivery of programs and services to residents and staff — it will supplement our Community Outreach Fund, which supports local not-for-profit social service organizations that do critical work to support the health and vibrancy of Bloomfield.

Duncaster’s 14th Annual Charitable Golf Tournament
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Wintonbury Hills Golf Course
206 Terry Plains Road | Bloomfield, CT 06002

To register to play, or for more information about the event visit: www.Duncaster.org/golf

Honoring the
memory of
Jeff Fournier

Duncaster dedicates the 14th Annual Charitable Golf Event to the memory of Jeff Fournier. Jeff was a beloved Duncaster staff member who passed away in April. With a tenure of 38 years at the time of his passing, Jeff was Duncaster’s longest serving employee and an enthusiastic member of our golf committee where he played a leadership role in planning Duncaster’s Golf Event. By naming this year’s event in his honor, we celebrate Jeff and all his many caring contributions to Duncaster.

Honoring the memory of Jeff Fournier 1954-2022

Duncaster dedicates the 14th Annual Charitable Golf Event to the memory of Jeff Fournier. Jeff was a beloved Duncaster staff member who passed away in April. With a tenure of 38 years at the time of his passing, Jeff was Duncaster’s longest serving employee and an enthusiastic member of our golf committee where he played a leadership role in planning Duncaster’s Golf Event. By naming this year’s event in his honor, we celebrate Jeff and all his many caring contributions to Duncaster.

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General Information:
(860) 726-2000

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
General Information:
(860) 726-2400

Caleb Hitchcock
Health Center
(860) 726-2405

Hartford Healthcare
Clinic at Duncaster
(860) 380-5150

Human Resources
and Job Applicants:
(860) 380-5004

Sales & Marketing:
(860) 380-5021