Less must-do. More want-to. | October 2022
Meet Our New Residents:
Susan Williams & Kanani Bell
In 2017, Susan Williams and Kanani Bell were living in West Hartford and although they wanted to put a plan in place for any future health care needs, they weren’t quite ready to leave the home they loved. They also realized that waiting until they needed to make a move would leave them with fewer options. That’s when they decided to become LifeCare on the Go™ members at Duncaster. LifeCare on the Go is an “early acceptance” LifeCare program offering flexibility and a future of predictable healthcare costs—should care ever be required—for unparalleled security. Susan and Kanani were accepted into the Duncaster community and were able to stay in their current home until they were ready to make the move. Plus, being LifeCare on the Go members meant they could start enjoying Duncaster’s amenities, like fabulous dining and the fitness center, before they officially moved in.
“As retired teachers who have taught in a variety of places, we were West Hartford residents for many years. Prior to that we both moved a number of times around the US and abroad. We chose Duncaster after considering several options because it’s a LifePlan community. It provides us the security we desire—for the rest of our lives.”
Earlier this year, the apartment home they were hoping for became available. Wanting to customize their space to meet their needs and give it their own personal flair, Susan and Kanani were able to work with Duncaster’s Move-in Team to make renovations. And on April 6, after the final touches were complete, they made the move—and they’ve been enjoying their new Duncaster lifestyle ever since.
“It took us a few years to get the apartment we live in now and it was worth the wait. We love where we live and the people we interact with everyday. We also love living in a community that celebrates the arts the way Duncaster does.”
If you’re interested in the security that LifeCare can offer, but are not yet ready to leave the home you love, call Lisa Greene, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, today at (860) 380-5021 and find out if LifeCare on the Go with Duncaster would be an ideal option for you.