Disrupt Ageism
August 6, 2019
Molly Fowler
Duncaster Gallery Presents Art by Molly Fowler
August 6, 2019
Karen Israel

Duncaster Gallery Presents Art by Karen Israel

March 2 to April 5, 2019
Opening Reception: Sunday, March 3, 2019 4 to 5:30pm

Karen Israel“I am drawn to all things ephemeral. My goal is to reveal the essence of a subject before nature’s inexorable force changes it forever. Documenting these fleeting moments captures an element of immutable truth. This inherent contradiction, irrespective of the subject matter, ignites my creative process and the shifting interplay of value, color and shape becomes the template for my designs.”
Karen Israel

A resident of West Hartford, Karen has been devoted to painting in pastel full time since 2011. She paints a variety of subjects, all with the intent of a unique viewpoint and a dynamic composition. Her subjects are rendered with a strong appreciation for the rigors of formal design and she paints with colorful abandon. Much of her work has been displayed through juried national competitions, group and solo exhibits in New England and across the country.

Over the years, Karen has won many awards, most recently the Gold Medal of Honor bestowed by the Audubon Artists Association. Karen has achieved the title of Master Pastelist with both the Pastel Society of America and The International Association of Pastel Societies. She is a Signature Member and past President of the Connecticut Pastel Society and an elected member of the Salmagundi Club. In addition Karen is a member of the American Artists Professional League, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club and Lyme Art Association and serves on the Pastel Society of America Board of Governors.

Karen enjoys teaching pastel almost as much as she enjoys painting and has conducted many teaching demonstrations for art organizations throughout the Northeast. During this time, she has also served as a juror for pastel and mixed media exhibits both locally and nationally. Most recently, Karen’s work was featured in a two page article in a French art magazine called Practique Des Artes Vol. 47, July 2018 and Pastel Journal April 2018.

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